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Take Control of Your Life By Building Boundaries at Work

Intuit recently created an infographic containing helpful advice to help set your Work/Life Boundaries.

Intuit, the makers of and Quicken, recently created a helpful infographic entitled “How to Set Boundaries at Work to Avoid Burnout”.

For many, remote work is the new normal for 2021 and beyond. Although there are many benefits to remote work like no commute time and a more relaxed dress code, the constant emails and long work hours can be a source of added stress at home. In order to be a successful remote worker, it’s important to create boundaries between the personal and professional parts of your life. 

Try implementing these three work boundaries into your daily routine to help prevent burnout and achieve work-life balance. 

Boundary 1: Plan Your PTO

One easy way to set a boundary is to actually use your paid vacation time.

Stress accumulates at work overtime, but vacations are a much-needed break from work and can help you recover from stress.

You don’t need to have a fancy getaway planned in order to use your PTO, especially when working from home.

Sprinkle a few random mental health days into your schedule or take a week off to recharge at home. Your brain and body will thank you for the rest and relaxation.

Boundary 2: Say No More Often

Much like you might budget your money, it’s also necessary to budget your time at work. Don’t overextend yourself by taking on too many projects or filling your schedule with too many meetings.

Learn to preserve your time and productivity by saying no more often.

Try declining a non-mandatory meeting or letting your supervisor know that you would like to focus on an important project instead of taking on something else.

When you budget your time better, you’ll be able to accomplish your responsibilities to the best of your ability and still log off at a reasonable time of the day.

Boundary 3: Turn Off Notifications

If you’ve felt like the transition to remote work has turned into an email overload, you’re not alone.

The constant notifications may feel overwhelming to leave until the next day or you may have even found yourself attempting to respond to just one more email that then turned into five.

To prevent this vicious cycle, turn off your notifications at the end of every workday. When you can no longer hear or see them, it will help you transition better into your personal time and feel less stressed doing it.

Some of these boundaries may be easier to accomplish than others.

For example, saying no to work may be more difficult than switching notifications off in the evening.

Try out boundaries that are smaller and more comfortable at first, and then work your way up to bigger ones.

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Here is the full Infographic, which you can find at the blog.

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There is a lot of good information in this infographic, and it parallels much of the Productivity and top tips that you find on my site.

I hope you find it helpful - I know I did.

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