Planning and Running a Successful Meeting eBook


Everyone “loves to hate meetings” and complain about how they are unproductive and wastes of time and money.

But meetings do not have to be a waste of time...In fact, it is possible to run productive and successful meetings

I am happy to announce the launch of a new eBOOK, “Planning and Running a Succesful Meeting” in the Email Overload eStore.

This new eBook introduces the “APERF” Meeting framework, which helps you organize and run “A PERFect Meeting”.

In the new Planning and Running a Succesful Meeting eBOOK, you will learn how to improve the Meeting process in three key areas:

  1. Meeting Efficiency - Reduce the number of meetings, attendees invited, and time spent in meetings.

  2. Meeting Effectiveness - Streamline the process of planning, organizing, and running meetings.

  3. Meeting Quality - Improve engagement and achieve better decisions, outcomes, and results.

Meeting Management APERF FINAL.png

Meetings that Work!

Stop Wasting People’s Time!


In addition, you can also purchase the “Planning and Running a Succesful Meeting eBook PLUS BONUSES” all in one convenient ZIP File. The Bonuses include:

  • Bonus 1: Handling your Meeting “Cast of Characters” - A list of “common meetings characters” that you may find in meetings, and some suggested ways to handle them

  • Bonus 2: Brainstorming and Decision-Making Tools - Techniques and tools to use in meetings that involve Brainstorming and Decision-Making activities.

  • Bonus 3: Meeting Management Templates - Three (3) Microsoft Word Templates are provided which you can use and modify as you see fit for entering and tracking your “Meeting Agendas”, “Meeting Minutes-Taking”, and “Meeting Follow-Up”.


Click Here!

Great Resources to Teach you How!


By managing meetings more effectively, we can reduce the amount of time that we spend in them and achieve our meeting goals more efficiently so we can move on to focus on other, important work activities.

Do you struggle with running productive meetings?

Do you use a meeting framework to help organize and run your meetings?


Helpful Resources on Meeting Management and Email Management in the Email Overload Store